Are Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar still at loggerheads?
Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar have been sharing not-so-warm vibes ever since `Chennai Express` and `Once Upon Ay Time In Mumbai Dobaara` released. SRK’s `Chennai Express` got a wide release and dominated most cinema halls which left OUATIMD with a few screens. This indeed affected the box office collections of Akshay Kumar starrer gangster flick. That’s the reason behind their ‘we-don’t-see-eye-to-eye’ game which has been going on for months. And going by the recent events, we thinks this game isn’t going to end any time soon. Akshay and SRK attended Yogesh Lakhani’s birthday bash recently. The two actors would have come face-to-face but they avoided their meeting by arriving at different times at the birthday bash. Poor birthday boy, we hear, had to cut the cake twice.
We wonder why so much fuss over two films which have come and gone already, hai na? Also, some films do well, some don’t – that’s how it works in Bollywood. So time to let it go boys!
We wonder why so much fuss over two films which have come and gone already, hai na? Also, some films do well, some don’t – that’s how it works in Bollywood. So time to let it go boys!