There were reports that Akshay Kumar has been approached to dub for the lead character in the Hindi version of a forthcoming Hollywood flick, based on Greek mythology. But the actor has opted out and the reason behind it is still not known.
But, now the opportunity has gone to Sonu Sood.
Sonu confirmed the news and said, "Yes, I will be dubbing for a Hollywood film for the first time! When you talk about 'Hercules', your voice needs to match the physique of the actor you see onscreen (Kellan Lutz). I guess they chose me because I too sport a six pack quite like Kellan Lutz! Apart from undergoing the regular voice exercises, I'll try to give it my best shot."
The actor revealed that he found most dubbed Hollywood films funny.
"I remember, as a student, I found the dubbed versions funny. That shouldn't be the case," he said.
When asked if he knows that Akshay was first approached for the same, the 40 year old actor said, "I heard about it. I have done two films with Akshay. Whether he dubs or I do, as long as Punjabi boys do it, its fine."
But, now the opportunity has gone to Sonu Sood.
Sonu confirmed the news and said, "Yes, I will be dubbing for a Hollywood film for the first time! When you talk about 'Hercules', your voice needs to match the physique of the actor you see onscreen (Kellan Lutz). I guess they chose me because I too sport a six pack quite like Kellan Lutz! Apart from undergoing the regular voice exercises, I'll try to give it my best shot."
The actor revealed that he found most dubbed Hollywood films funny.
"I remember, as a student, I found the dubbed versions funny. That shouldn't be the case," he said.
When asked if he knows that Akshay was first approached for the same, the 40 year old actor said, "I heard about it. I have done two films with Akshay. Whether he dubs or I do, as long as Punjabi boys do it, its fine."