Salman Khan will resume the shooting of ‘Kick’. The shooting of the film was on a halt because of worker issues that was delaying the construction of film’s sets.
In Karjat, the workers were demanding pay for a shift and half since the film’s shooting was happening outside the city. But the makers didn’t agree to the demands and workers called it off. All this happenings resulted in halt of the shoot for 10-12 days.
But, everything is settled now and the producers have agreed to pay the workers one and half day’s pay itself.
So, Salman will start shooting of the film soon
In Karjat, the workers were demanding pay for a shift and half since the film’s shooting was happening outside the city. But the makers didn’t agree to the demands and workers called it off. All this happenings resulted in halt of the shoot for 10-12 days.
But, everything is settled now and the producers have agreed to pay the workers one and half day’s pay itself.
So, Salman will start shooting of the film soon